Top Mullumbimby Creek NSW 2482 Speech Pathologists
Need an affordable speech pathologist open now? These 9 results near you are waiting for your call. Here are our top Mullumbimby Creek Speech Pathologists with reviews & ratings.
Voicemoves & Radiant-Resonance Quick Info
Personal Transformation and Yoga
Voice Therapy
Frasers Rd, Mullumbimby Creek NSW
Carmel Moore - Speech Pathologist Quick Info
Exercise Stress Testing
Echocardiography (adult and paediatric)
24 & 48-hour Holter Monitoring
24 - hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
Medtronic Pacemaker checks
Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Pumps
PKG Watch (Parkinson's disease)
7-day EEG monitoring with SEER Medical
Therapeutic massage
Carmel Moore is a Mullumbimby speech pathologist, with additional accreditations in massage and natural health services. If you are interested in voice dialogue therapy, be sure to arrange an appointment with Carmel.
44 Granuaille Rd, Bangalow NSW
North Coast Medical Centre Quick Info
Newborn health checks
Antenatal health checks
Child health checks
Newborn health checks
Antenatal health checks
Child health checks
Vaccination services for children & adults
Travel vaccinations
Diabetes risk assessments
Cardiovascular risk assessments
Sports medicine
Pre-conception health checks for men & women
Men’s health
Women’s health
Sexual health
Family planning
Medical termination of pregnancy
Skin checks
Mental health plans
Referrals to pathology, radiology, specialists & etc
Lifestyle adjustment advice
Weight management services
Blood pressure monitoring
Paediatric medicine
Real time ultrasound
Dermatology & skin cancer management
Asthma clinic
Diabetes clinic
Polycystic ovarian disease management
Cardiovascular disease care
Medication review services
Anticoagulant management
Supplement prescription & reviews
Personalised herbal medicine prescriptions
North Coast Medical Centre in Byron Bay is a GPA accredited general medical practice providing quality care to Byron Shire residents and visitors. Offering patients the best medical practitioners: Doctors, General Practitioners (GP), Psychologists, Naturopaths, Osteopath and Dietitians in a family friendly medical clinic in central Byron Bay. The North Coast Medical Centre Byron Bay are the pioneers in Integrative Medicine, where General Practitioners (GPs) and Doctors work together with Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Psychologists and Dietitians. Doctors and GP's specialising in Children's Health, Mental Health, Natural Health, Addictions, Women's Health, Sexual Health, Acupuncture, Chronic Illness and Youth Health. Centrally located - just 6 doors down from the Byron Bay police station in Shirley Street.
24 Shirley St, Byron Bay NSW
Network Speech Pathology Pty Ltd Quick Info
Stroke Support
Traumatic Brain Injury Support
Parkinson's Disease Support
Motor Neuron Disease Support
Multiple Sclerosis Support
Multiple Systems Atrophy Support
Head & Neck Cancer Support
Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease Support
Voice Support
Life-Long Disabilities Support
Social Skills Support
Mental Health Support
Literacy Support
Telehealth speech pathology service for adults
Byron Bay NSW
View Mullumbimby Creek Speech Pathologists Businesses Below
Step Boldly Speech Pathology Quick Info
8 Bunjil Pl, Ewingsdale NSW
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Alstonville Centre Quick Info
Early Childhood Interventions
Intensive Therapy Programs
Supported Independent Living
Short Term Accommodation
CPA Telepractices
NDIS Providers
Swim Camps
Gym Programs
Hydrotherapy Programs
Sports Programs
Youth Workshops
School Holiday Programs
Communication & Self Care
Equipment Fitting & Provision
Mobility & Physical Activity
Cerebral Palsy Research
Consultancy Internationally
Recreational Activities
Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy
Speech Pathology
Exercise Physiology
Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides family-centred therapies, life skills programs, equipment and support for people and their families living with cerebral palsy and other neurological and physical disabilities. At CPA our priority is to help babies, children, teenagers and adults living with neurological and physical disabilities lead the most comfortable, independent and inclusive lives possible. Our therapy teams work with individuals and families to maximise their participation in the community.
96 Main St, Alstonville NSW
Open 24 Hrs
Sharnay Mail Speech and Language Therapy for Children Quick Info
Speech & Language Therapy
Speech/language assessments & therapies for children
PROMPT therapy offered (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
Part of the Better Start Initiative FaHCSIA
Sharnay Mail Speech and Language Therapy for Children is an Alstonville speech therapist servicing the Nothern Rivers area. Sharnay offers individualised speech and language assessments and therapies using the PROMPT and Hanen programs. Through these programs Sharney can assist children in dealing with or overcoming speech difficulties. Sharney's Northern Rivers speech and language therapy is a comprehensive service for children facing speech and language challenges. Home or school visits are available by arrangement, allowing Sharney to provide valuable feedback and input in an environment the child feels comfortable in. The Northern Rivers speech and language therapy Sharney provides is play-based. Using fun and motivational activities allows the children to better engage and participate in the therapy. If you are concerned your child may be exhibiting speech and language difficulties, contact Sharnay Mail Speech and Language Therapy for Children for a comprehensive assessment.
Unit 2 76 Main St, Alstonville NSW
Easy Access Psychology Quick Info
Telehealth Appointments
School or Home Appointments
Autism Support
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Relationship Support
Social Skill Development
School Refusal
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Therapeutic Supports
A multidisciplinary team, dedicated to improving lives.
24 Conway St, Lismore NSW

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