If the air conditioner dust filter is plugged, the more work the equipment will have to do to push air through it - translating into higher running costs.

The dust filters of an air conditioner require constant cleaning, ideally every few weeks, depending on the amount of use. If the air conditioner dust filter is plugged, the more work the equipment will have to do to push air through it. This will, in turn, translate to high running costs. Cleaning the air conditioner filter is straight forward -- you merely have to pop open the plastic cover and remove the filter(s). Some models have built-in air purification filter like the ionizing filter. These filters should be taken out and cleaned. In the long run, these filters should be replaced every year or two. For thorough cleaning of the air conditioner filter, you will have to remove the dust filters and brush them. You can also opt for a thorough clean by using a vacuum cleaner. For air conditioner filters that are very grimy and dirty, you should use warm water mixed with mild detergent to clean them.

Air conditioner filter replacement

The air filter is the basic unit of an air conditioner that keeps the air healthy and clean. If the air conditioner filter is due for replacement,you might need to consider one of the below.

Pleated filters

These filters are made from cotton folds and polyester fabrics. To get the best value for your money choose air filters with more pleats.

Electrostatic air filters

Electrostatic air filters use an electrostatic charge to capture airborne particles and dust. This way, the air conditioner will not spread such pollutants into the home. Electrostatic air filters come in various designs - some are washable, while others are not.

Washable air filters

Washable air filters are removable air filters and after cleaning, you should let them dry as damp air filters are breeding grounds for bacteria and mould. These air filters are more expensive than disposable filters.

Fibreglass air filters

The straining ability of fibreglass air filters is quite low. They are more suited for protecting the air conditioning system than screening pollutants. On the good side, these air filters are affordable and ideal for people who are on a budget.

UV filters

UV filters are designed to kill bacteria and other micro-organism using ultraviolet lights. They are not quite suited for screening dust.

HEPA filters

The high-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) are ideal for people living with allergies or those prone to respiratory issues.

Fixing an air conditioner

Air conditioner malfunctions can be identified by insufficient cooling, inability to turn on the AC and noise. To troubleshoot your air conditioner firstly check for a dirty air filter. If the filter is dirty, take it out for cleaning or replace it. If the AC doesn't turn on or warm air comes out from the air vent, you should check the thermostat settings. Next, check the circuit breakers and switch them to the ON position. You should also check the air vents and make sure none of them is blocked.

What is an HVAC system?

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is a system that heats and cools a building. It offers adequate ventilation and allows moisture to escape the building. The HVAC system is not an air conditioner. However, an AC is part of the system - It's the unit that is responsible for moving air in space. The HVAC system is not limited to air conditioning units. It includes boilers, ducts and moisture vents.

Cleaning an air conditioner

The air conditioner is built with a unit inside and outside. To clean an AC unit, follow the guide below.

Turn off the power

Safety is everything.

Open the AC and clean the evaporator coils

You can either access the evaporator coils through the blower unit or remove the foil duct tape. The access route to the evaporator coil depends on the unit you have. When you've gained access to the evaporator coil, remove dust from the coil using a soft brush. A no-rinse coil cleaner comes in handy during the cleaning phase.

Clear the drain

If the drain is not plugged, you can skip this step. But if the drain is clogged, you can clear it by using a vacuum hose. All you need to do is turn on the vacuum and remove the algae and mould build-up. Finally, you have to close the AC access panel. Next, you have to clean the AC unit outside. Remove the debris, clean the coils and fins, and make sure it is free from vegetation.