Every electrical appliance must be issued with a safety certificate number by the appropriate body.
A Certificate of Electrical Safety confirms all electrical installations are safe and properly installed and is issued by a certified electrician to a house owner or occupant.
It is a criminal offence to perform some electrical work yourself and for non-compliance, the penalty can be up to a $550,000 fine under the Electricity Safety Act.
The testing and compliance certificate that must be issued to you by a qualified profession must contain the following details:
Your name and your address.
The details regarding the testing of the electrical equipment or installation.
The date the equipment or installation was tested.
The license number of the electrician or contractor who tested the equipment.
The two certification statements are Equipment Test and Installation Test statements.
A statement that certifies the electrical equipment has been tested to ensure it is safe for electrical work.
A statement that certifies the installation has been tested to ensure it is electrically safe and followings the requirements of the wiring rules of law.