Partial dentures help fix an injured smile, look natural and fit in your mouth just like normal teeth.

Missing teeth as a result of injury, gum disease and tooth decay can occur to anybody at any age. A partial denture looks natural and functions just like natural teeth. Several factors influence the price of partial dentures, listed below.

  • Materials used.

  • Number of teeth to be replaced.

  • Missing teeth location in the mouth.

  • Denture production methods.

According to a survey by the Australian Dental Association, the average cost of partial dentures is listed below.

  • Upper partial denture with a resin base is $1,215.

  • Upper partial denture with a cast metal base, resin saddles is $1,685.

  • An upper flexible denture is $1,444.

Generally a partial denture, unlike complete dentures, is an inexpensive alternative when compared to others if your case is just a missing tooth. It costs anywhere between $650 and $2500 (upper or lower jaw, not both). Flexible partial dentures vary from $900 to $2,000 while flipper teeth cost between $299 and $499.

How long do partial dentures last?

Dental services are not cheap. Dental materials vary and this alone can determine longevity - the material used sometimes is a determining factor. Dentures with proper care and maintenance will definitely last longer. No matter the cost or level of sophistication, good oral hygiene is the key to long-lasting dentures. Partial dentures should last between 3 and 6 years. You may need to reline and do minor adjustments regularly.

How many teeth do you need for partial dentures

The general idea behind partial dentures unlike dental implants is that you can restore one or more missing teeth. In other words, to fix one, you don't have to remove the remaining teeth. You can easily find a perfect replacement for the affected tooth/teeth either as a result of injury or decay.

To know the number of teeth for a partial denture, one needs to consult a dental prosthetist to determine what step to take depending on your specific situation as this can vary from one patient to another.

What are partial dentures made from?

There are several materials used for the production of dentures. The materials vary and it is not a bad idea to learn about them before going for any denture procedure. The materials include the following; Acrylic materials, metal materials, and flexible materials.

Acrylic materials

This is like the go-to material for a partial denture, this is because it's gum-like and can be moulded into several designs and requirements easily.

Flexible materials

This is the most sophisticated, advanced, and preferred material for a partial denture. This is because it performs seamlessly just like natural teeth. It is composed of nylon, polycarbonate, polyester, and polypropylene. Although this can be everybody's favourite, it is expensive.