Heat pump hot water heaters are a great way to reduce your household's greenhouse gas emissions and save on electricity bills.

Heat pump systems are highly efficient and the running costs are far lower than the existing hot water system. So, if you plan on keeping a check on the energy consumption of your household, you may want to install heat pump water heaters in your house. Below are the average installation costs for heat pump water heaters. The price is dependent on the capacity of the storage tank you are planning on installing.


Estimated cost

250L Heat Pump supply and install


270L Heat Pump supply and install


315L Heat Pump supply and install


How does a heat pump hot water system work?

A heat pump works by transferring heat energy from a colder area (i.e. underground) to a hotter area (i.e. your hot water system). This occurs through the process of 'heat exchange'. Heat pumps can efficiently and economically provide both heating and cooling functions for your house. The water-to-water heat pump is essentially two heat exchangers connected together in series, one cold and one hot. The compressor heats up the refrigerant gas inside it using an electrical motor, which then flows onto the outside condenser coil where it dissipates its heat into ambient air via a fan. The hot refrigerant gas flows next through the indoor evaporator coil, where it absorbs the heat in the indoor air which has been blown over this coil by a fan. The warm refrigerant gas then flows into the outdoor condenser coil where it gives up its heat to the cooler outside air via another fan, before being re-circulated back into the compressor to start the process over again. A heat pump water heater uses this process to extract heat from the surrounding air or soil and transfer it into your storage tank, which is then used to provide hot water for your home. The colder the ambient temperature, the more efficient the heat pumps will be at extracting heat from its surroundings to heat your water. The cost of a heat pump hot water system will vary depending on the size of the system, the brand, and the features included. You will pay around $2000-$4000 for a complete system including installation.

Is a heat pump hot water system worth it?

Heat pump hot water heaters are a great way to reduce your household's greenhouse gas emissions while saving on your electricity bills. They are also a more efficient way to heat your water than traditional electric hot water systems, so you can expect to see savings on your energy bills of around 30 to 50%.

If you're looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save on your energy costs, a heat pump hot water system is a great option.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, saving money in installation and electric bills and high energy efficiency makes heat pumps an ideal hot water system for some.

How long do heat pump hot water systems last?

Most heat pump hot water systems come with a warranty of 5-10 years, with some lasting as long as 15 years. However, the average lifespan of a heat pump is around 10-12 years, so you may need to replace your system before the end of its warranty. Replacement parts can be expensive, but you should get a good year or two past the end of your warranty to recoup that cost.

Do I need special plumbing for a heat pump hot water system?

One downside of a heat pump hot water system is that it requires specific plumbing in order to work properly: the evaporator and condenser coils must be mounted outside and insulated so they can operate at an ambient temperature lower than the air temperature inside your house. This means you will need to spend more money on plumbing, but it does mean your system will be much more efficient and effective.

How long do heat pumps take to heat water?

Depending on where you live and what time of year, your heat pump could take anywhere from a few hours to a full day to heat your water. The time it takes will also depend on the size of your heat pump and the amount of hot water you need. A good way to estimate how long it will take is to add 2-3 hours to the time it would take an electric water system of the same size to reach the same temperature.

What is included with the cost of a heat pump hot water system?

You can expect to pay around $2000-$4000 for a complete system including installation. This includes the heat pump itself, the necessary plumbing, installation, and a warranty. Some systems may also come with extras like a timer to control when your hot water comes on, or a weather compensation feature that adjusts how efficiently your heat pump works based on the ambient temperature.

Are heat pump hot water systems energy efficient?

Heat pump hot water systems are more efficient than traditional electric hot water systems, saving you around 30-50% on your electricity bills. They work by extracting heat from the surrounding air or soil and transferring it into your water tank, which is then used to provide hot water for your home. The colder the ambient temperature, the more efficient the heat pump will be at extracting heat from its surroundings to heat your water.

What are the alternatives to a heat pump hot water system?

If you don't want to invest in a heat pump hot water system, there are other options available that will work well for your family. A traditional electric hot water system is the most affordable option but also the least efficient, so it's worth considering whether you really need a new hot water system at all.

You can even install gas hot water systems in your house. Natural gas is far cheaper than electricity, plus it is incredibly efficient. The running costs of a gas heater is far lower than that of an electric hot water heater.

If you don't want to install heat pumps, you might want to consider installing a gas hot water system due to its high efficiency and the reduction in running costs .

Or, you can install solar hot water systems in your house. The sun is the main source of energy, and you can install solar panels for heating water literally for free. If you install a solar hot water system in your house, the initial costs might be high, but in the long run you will be saving a lot of money.

The hot water heater alternatives that we mentioned above are useful if your household needs a great deal of hot water each day, or if you don't have a tank or if want a continuous heat flow.

If your household doesn't use much hot water every day, an on-demand system could be a good choice as they're more cost-effective than regular electric systems over time.

Can I install a heat pump hot water system myself?

If you don't have any experience you should always get a professional to install your heat pump hot water system. The installation process can often be more complicated than it seems at first glance, and doing the job yourself will void the warranty on your new system.

Do I need an expansion tank?

An expansion tank isn't strictly necessary for a heat pump hot water system, but it's recommended especially if you live in an area with unreliable hot water pressure or fluctuating water pressure. An expansion tank acts as a buffer so that when sudden surges of cold water enter the system from the main supply, they won't damage your equipment. It also increases overall efficiency by preventing excessively high pressures which result in heat loss. If you already have an expansion tank in place, there's no need to replace it as your new system can simply be connected to it.

What maintenance is required for a heat pump hot water system?

A heat pump hot water system requires very little maintenance and only needs to be serviced every few years. During a service, your technician will check the filters and coils and clean them if necessary. They may also recommend emptying it to remove any sediment that's built up over time. You should also keep an eye on your pressure relief valve and make sure it's functioning properly. If it's not, you may need to call a technician to fix it.

For more information on hot water systems, take a look at energy.gov.au.