Information & Cost Guides in Australia
Lawn & Turf Supplies Guides & Resources
Lawn & Turf Supplies Guides & Resources
What is Kikuyu Grass?
What is Kikuyu Grass?
Kikuyu grass is a short, green, clumpy grass that grows straight up and has blades on both sides of the leaf.
3 minute read
Lawn & Turf Supplies Guides & Resources
How to Identify Couch Grass
How to Identify Couch Grass
Couch grass has creeping stems which can grow up to 20cm per week if conditions are favourable.
3 minute read
Cost of Grass in Australia
Cost of Grass in Australia
Deciding which turf to use is largely dependent on location and particular climatic conditions.
4 minute read
Cost of Buying Grass Per Square Metre
Cost of Buying Grass Per Square Metre
The cost of grass per square metre ranges from $2 to $30, depending on the type of grass you buy and your location.
3 minute read
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