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About Flametree Yoga Casuarina
Flametree Yoga Studio is located in Casurina. The style of yoga taught at Flametree is called Iyengar yoga. It is style renowned for the fact that it can be practised by everyone at any age, any body shape, any level of flexibility, both men and women. All the teachers at the studio are passionate and committed to teaching yoga and believe in the power of yoga to transform us wherever we are at in our lives. All are long term practitioners, qualified through many years of specialist training to teach Iyengar yoga. The studio offers a friendly learning environment where students can enter as a complete beginner and progress.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I partake in Yoga classes if I am pregnant?
Yes you can, but you must advise your teacher immediately. If you wish, please also see the answer to the next question as well.
Do I need to have experience in Yoga to take classes?
No, all students are welcome.
Flametree Yoga Casuarina