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About GC Physie and Dance
What is Physie and Dance? Physie and Dance is for women and girls of all ages and is quite a unique sport combining physical exercise (in some ways similar to gymnastics), with choreographed dance movements. Physie and Dance has many benefits including: improving physical fitness establishing correct posture improving flexibility and co-ordination enhancing self confidence building social skills. Students join a physie and dance club where lessons are delivered by experienced and qualified teachers in a friendly and supportive environment. Students are offered the opportunity to compete at local, state and national events. Students join a physie and dance club where lessons are delivered by experienced and qualified teacher in a friendly and supportive environment. Students are offered the opportunity to compete at local, state and national events.What does the Physie and Dance year involv We realise that many of you have a lot of questions in regards to what is required throughout the physie year and understand that most of our members are new to physie and dance. Team Competition - There are so many benefits of performing with your team members! Team sports provide kids with important lessons on personal values. Children who play team sports are less likely to feel isolated. Team sports can encourage parents to become active with their kids. Team sports help kids deal with winning and losing. Team sports can help kids overcome shyness.
Creative dance
Physie & dance
Modern dance
Dance classes
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All teachers have blue cards & are very experienced in the physie & dance field.
GC Physie and Dance