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About Genetics Fitness
Genetics Fitness Club is the Original Fitness Club that has been a part of Warners Bay since 1991. With over 70 Group Fitness Classes per week, there is something to suit all ages and fitness levels. We deliver Les Mills classes of Body Attack, Body Balance, Body Pump, Body Step and RPM, plus our very popular Circuit and Freestyle classes. Our Boxing Classes have been recently added to our timetable and have proved to be quite a hit! Have you tried one yet? Here at Genetics Fitness Club, we also look also look after our senior members, providing Heart Moves & Active Over 50's classes. Please click on our senior fitness page for more information. So, from Body Balance to Boxing, from RPM to Circuit or pumping some weights, book in to see one of our qualified staff members today to help you achieve your goals! What are you waiting for?! Come in and see us today!
Weight Loss Programs
Fitness Classes
Personal Training
Child Minding
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Genetics Fitness