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About Pilates Room Newcastle
The Pilates Method is unique in its approach to improving strength and mobility from the ground up. Today known as 'core', its guiding principles of centring, control, concentration, precision, flowing movement and breath, prioritise the development of a strong centre from which we can properly support joint movement. This makes the body much less vulnerable to common modern day issues of back pain and poor posture caused be everyday activities such as driving and office work. At The Pilates Room, we add the principle of enjoyment - mandatory if we are to continue to improve. Pilates Room Newcastle is a boutique studio offering sessions for all levels. Small sessions of up to 4 people ensure that highly experienced and qualified instructors can work closely with you to improve strength, mobility, flexibility, coordination and balance at your own pace. Sessions are built around individual needs, using a combination of mat repertoire and studio equipment. Instructors at The Pilates Room are experienced with clients that range from active seniors, to pregnant ladies seeking to maintain strength and tone, runners, yoga teachers and surfers who require a more localised approach to their Pilates workout.
Offer customised studio programs
Studio Pilates sessions
Workplace mat classese
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Pilates Room Newcastle