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About The Foot Rooms
SCIENCE Podiatry is a health science. We believe in not losing site of that. Not only do we practice Podiatry in line with proven science but we are also students, forever studying Podiatry through the scientific method. Before buying a new product or offering a new treatment we always do the following: Research current scientific evidence Question it's biological plausibility Try it on ourselves, friends and family Every treatment you will be offered is scientifically sound and has been road tested for success. OPENNESS We believe in being open and honest with everything we do. If we make a mistake, you'll know about it. If you have a complaint, please let us know so we can address it. Podiatry deals with human bodies that come with vast variations. As health professionals, we do our best in categorising each individual to a group and then giving a subsequent diagnoses and treatment plan. This method allows for fast assessment, diagnoses and treatment but does not allow for individualised and personalised care. We want to make sure we don't put you in a box but look at you as an individual and tailor a treatment plan accordingly. We will take a little longer, ask more questions and take more time to consider all your individual circumstances before distilling an according treatment plan. We will not treat blindly, we will be open if the diagnoses is unclear and do everything we can to shed light on the issue, again this will take more time but WILL end up with a better treatment result. LONGEVITY We hope to be treating the population of Stanwell Park and surrounds for years to come. We're in it for the long haul. We want to get involved with community groups, clubs, schools and services to give back to the community supporting us. If you're interested in partnering up, please contact us. EMPOWERMENT We're passionate about empowering you with information to help your lower limb / foot issues. In the clinic, we have developed a range of educational tools as we know it doesn't all sink in at the first appointment. We encourage emails, phone calls and drop ins if you have ANY questions following your appointment. We have a message about foot health that differs to a lot of information out there and we plan on spreading the word so please follow us on social media and help empower others!
Reclaim Feet (foot/lower limb pain)
Return To Sport (rehab post injury)
Ingrown Nail Surgery
Nail and skin Health (general Podiatry)
Solid Foundations (Paediatric Podiatry)
Diabetic Foot Health
Foot Mobilisation/ Manipulaiton
Dry Needling
Fascial/ Soft Tissue Therapy
Reclaim Feet (foot/lower limb pain)
Return To Sport (rehab post injury)
Ingrown Nail Surgery
Nail and skin Health (general Podiatry)
Solid Foundations (Paediatric Podiatry)
Foot Mobilisation/ Manipulaiton
Dry Needling
Fascial/ Soft Tissue Therapy
Diabetic Foot Health
To use practical treatments to get the foot functioning as close to it's natural state as possible.
The closer we get the foot to natural function, increase in performance and reduction in injury will follow.
The human body is ever changing in response to environmental stimuli - all we have to do is regularly expose it to the right stimulus.
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The Foot Rooms