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Outback Queensland is the largest wider region in the state. It’s hard to believe seeing it now, but the Outback was once part of an ancient inland sea, with remains of megafauna, marine life and dinosaurs still being found today.
The skeletal remains of Sauropods, Pliosaurs, Pterosaurs, and a recent discovery of Australia’s largest dinosaur, the Eromanga can be found throughout the region. There are many places to see fossils of Aussie dinosaurs including The Riversleigh Fossil Centre and The Flinders Discovery Centre.
Believe it or not, the Outback is the perfect place to go fishing. There are billabongs, gorges, shallow lakes and seasonal creeks galore where you can catch Murray cod, yellowbellies, catfish, barramundi a...

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Did you know this about Outback?

Outback Queensland is the largest wider region in the state. It’s hard to believe seeing it now, but the Outback was once part of an ancient inland sea, with remains of megafauna, marine life and dinosaurs still being found today.
The skeletal remains of Sauropods, Pliosaurs, Pterosaurs, and a recent discovery of Australia’s largest dinosaur, the Eromanga can be

Outback Queensland is the largest wider region in the state. It’s hard to believe seeing it now, but the Outback was once part of an ancient inland sea, with remains of megafauna, marine life and dinosaurs still being found today.
The skeletal remains of Sauropods, Pliosaurs, Pterosaurs, and a recent discovery of Australia’s largest dinosaur, the Eromanga can be found throughout the region. There are many places to see fossils of Aussie dinosaurs including The Riversleigh Fossil Centre and The Flinders Discovery Centre.
Believe it or not, the Outback is the perfect place to go fishing. There are billabongs, gorges, shallow lakes and seasonal creeks galore where you can catch Murray cod, yellowbellies, catfish, barramundi and more.
Fish and fossils aren’t the only thing the Outback has in store. 95% of the world’s opals come right from the Outback. You can even fossick for amethyst quartz and other crystals in Cloncurry, although you have to make sure you’re not on someone’s mining claim before doing so.
In the Outback, there’s always an oasis. For Outback Queensland, it’s Mount Isa, which is famous for its rugged scenery yet stunning sunsets. One of the world’s great mines resides in the town, which to this day is still a great producer of ore. It’s also home to a WW2 underground hospital and the state’s largest Royal Flying Doctors base. And if you’re keen on your fishing and camping, Mount Isa is the perfect spot to stop.
While there are many notable places to mention in the Outback, we couldn’t finish off without talking about Birdsville. It’s located between the eastern edge of the Simpson Desert, the Sturt’s Stony desert and Channel Country. A must-do in ‘town’ is stopping by the Birdsville Pub or timing your visit with the Birdsville Races.

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