If you are not an expert, then never ever try to repair any electrical appliance or equipment by yourself.

All of us use electric appliances in our daily life and using electrical equipment should be free of risk. Key tips to staying safe around electricity.

Check your wires routinely

A routine check up could help prevent any unwanted incident in the future. Check your electric cords, plugs and sockets from time to time. See if there is any damage to the any appliance and get it fixed it to prevent any fire or shock.

Repair damage

In case you find any kind of damage in any electrical equipment, make sure you have it repaired properly. Never repair attempt to repair any cable or switch by yourself. Don't even try to do so by watching youtube tutorials.

How do I use electrical equipment safely?

Many guidelines are there to follow while working with power appliances. The first rule to staying safe around electricity is to always avoid contact with energised circuits. If you are not an expert, then never ever try to repair anything by yourself. Never touch any naked wire or a switch. Keep such areas always covered with something that prevents from direct contact. In case you are repairing or using electrical point, turn off the connection. Use licensed wires to prevent any fire. It's necessary to follow certain guidelines to keep yourself safe while using electrical appliances.

Working with electricity

While working with electricity, always keep safety in mind. Other than regularly checking your devices and wires, there are a few other things to follow. The first thing is you should never try to repair any electrical appliances by yourself.

If you see any damage, keep children away from such appliance. Make sure you follow proper guidelines while working either with or around electricity.

Always consult the manufacturer instructions.

If in doubt, hire an electrician.