If you are looking for something that will last for a long time, you may want to consider a Colorbond fence.

As far as fencing goes, there are plenty of different options to choose from. These days most people tend to go with Colorbond or timber fences simply because they offer the best value for money. There are pros and cons associated with both types of fencing.

Timber fence cost

The truth is that it is incredibly difficult to provide accurate estimates on what timber fences may cost in home improvement activities since there are so many different variables at play here. The first thing that needs to be considered is how big the yard in question actually is. If you have a very big compound, then this will drive up the cost of installing a timber paling fence. Additionally, the number of posts that you have to put down in order to erect the boundary fence will also contribute significantly towards the final fencing cost.

Fence type

Average price range

Treated pine timber slat fence

$300 to $400

Hardwood paling fence

$100 to $150

Treated pine paling fence

$100 to $130

Colorbond fence cost

The cost of installing a Colorbond fence against timber fencing can vary quite significantly.

The cost of Colorbond fencing ranges from $11 to $60 per metre, depending on the size and style of panels.

Colorbond steel panels usually come in a standard size of 1.2 metres by 2.4 metres, with heights available from 90cm to 180cm depending on the style of the fence being selected. They are fully welded and galvanised for long-lasting protection against corrosion and rusting.

The most economical way to replace or build a new fence would be timber fencing. Even if it may not look as good as Colorbond, at least you will save money doing so. On the other hand, ongoing costs related to Colorbond fences are minimal.

What is the cheapest fence to install?

The cheapest fence to install would be a treated pine timber slat fence for a fence builder on a budget. This type of fence is not as aesthetically pleasing as some of the other options like brushwood fencing, but it will get the job done and is very affordable.

If you are looking for something that will last for a long time, you may want to consider a colorbond fence, but be aware that this option can be quite expensive. It really comes down to personal preference in the end. Both types of fences have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, it is important to weigh up all costs and related factors before making a final decision.

How long does Colorbond fencing last?

Colorbond fencing is used widely throughout Australia for many different purposes. It has proven to be a long-lasting, rugged, and low maintenance option that offers business owners, fencing contractors and home developers an attractive alternative to timber fencing. Whether you are looking for Colorbond fencing panels or complete fence systems with posts, gating and accessories, Colorbond fences will definitely stand the test of time if installed correctly. Another thing that can affect how long your Colorbond fence lasts is how it was installed in the first place. It should be noted that Colorbond fencing should not be installed by an amateur DIY enthusiast since they may make some crucial installation mistakes that could shorten the life of the fence prematurely. There are also several types of stains and paint colour options available to homeowners these days, so it pays to do thorough research before committing to a particular type of coating. Some coatings will definitely increase the life expectancy of your Colorbond fencing, while others could have negative effects. If possible, find out what other homeowners in your area have done to their fences and ask them for advice. In general, Colorbond fencing can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years with the right care and regular maintenance. So, if you are looking for a long-term solution, it is definitely worth considering this type of fencing.

What should I treat a timber fence with?

If you are looking to protect your timber fence from the elements, a few different options are available. You can choose to paint or stain the fence with a water-based or oil-based product, or you could opt for a preservative. Preservatives are a great option if you want to keep your timber fence looking new for many years to come. They work by penetrating deep into the wood, forming a protective barrier against moisture, rot and decay. There are also several different types of preservatives available on the market, so it is important to do your research before deciding what to buy. One thing to keep in mind is the durability of the coating or treatment. Typically a coating will need to be reapplied every few years in order to maintain its effectiveness.

What are the benefits of Colorbond fencing?

Colorbond fencing materials have some unique benefits compared to any timber fencing project.


A Colorbond fence is extremely durable, attractive and affordable. A Colorbond picket fence can last for up to 20 years or more with minimal regular maintenance. It also comes in a variety of different styles, so you will definitely be able to find something that suits your personal taste and needs.

Fade resistance

Colours will not fade over time with this type of fencing material, unlike other types that may require regular staining or painting to keep them looking fresh. Also, because colorbond fencing uses thicker steel than many other options on the market today, it is even stronger than the average metal fence or ring lock fence system, making it an ideal option for fences surrounding a pool.

Colorbond is easy to clean

The steel material used for Colorbond fencing is easy to clean and maintain, making it a great option for anyone who doesn't like the hassle associated with other types of fencing, such as timber or wooden planks. This type of fence won't splinter easily, ensuring that your family and pets will be safe at all times while enjoying backyard time together. For those looking for more information on hiring someone for a fencing job, take a look at this guide from the New South Wales Department of Fair Trading. Check if similar regulations apply in your area.


This type of fencing is extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways: from making tall gates to enclosures around swimming pools and even shorter picket fences lining the front yard of your home. There are also decorative styles available when it comes to Colorbond fencing panels, so you can really add some personality and visual appeal to your property by choosing something that stands out.


One of the main benefits of colorbond steel fencing is that it does not rust, warp or corrode over time, meaning you will never have to worry about replacing any parts or sections of your fence again.