Typical electric fence tape or wire is inexpensive, but the installation cost can be relatively high.

The amount of materials needed to build a fence only affects the startup costs. The ongoing cost is determined by how often you need to replace your materials, which depends on what you are containing and where you are doing it. Electric fence wire typically lasts longer than electric fence poly tape, but it may be more difficult to install. Electric fence wire is available in several different forms. Aluminium wire is lighter and easier to install, while steel wire is stiffer and can be used for harder-to-contain wild animals. Galvanized steel wire is more durable than either of the former types of electric fence wire. Vinyl poly wire tape has a higher maximum voltage, making it suitable for containing animals that are more likely to try to escape. Electric fence tapes are typically less expensive than wires of comparable strength, but they require special stringing equipment on your tractor or ATV to tie them securely between posts at appropriate intervals.

What's the best type of electric fence?

Everyone wants the best deal they can get when purchasing something. In the case of an electric fence, that means considering what will work best in any given situation using both wire and tape as well as battery-powered options. Electric fence wire is designed to carry a current from energizer to energizer. In other words, it has little resistance and will not break down after repeated exposure to electricity or moisture. However, it does require tight spacing between posts so that it can be tensioned properly. Electric fence tape is best used in areas where the animals are not likely to test the fence by rubbing against it. The poly tape also needs to be regularly tensioned but less often than wire. Battery-powered electric fences offer a great deal of convenience, as there is no need to run an energizer line to the fence. However, battery life can be a concern, and the fence needs to be checked regularly for breaks or short circuits. The bottom line is that there is no one "best" type of electric fence. It all depends on what you are trying to contain and where you are doing it. Here are some of the most common types of electric fences:

High tensile wire

High tensile wire fencing is ideal for constructing permanent fences over long distances. This permanent fencing method is not recommended for fast-moving animals because such animals can sustain a serious injury on contact at high speeds. High tensile wire fencing is made of galvanized steel or aluminium. A high tensile wire is a low maintenance material, thus perfect for permanent fencing projects. When constructing perimeter fencing and transmitting electric charge long distances, galvanised steel offers the best results.

Electric poly wire fencing

This offers one of the best fencing systems if you are looking for perimeter fences. The 3 main fence wire types are poly rope fence, electric poly tape and the poly wire fence line. This class of fence wire solutions can be applied to strip grazing needs, fence training purposes and rotational grazing situations. The poly tape is available in varying diameters and colours for enhanced visibility in the field.

How much charge does an electric fence carry?

The amount of charge an electric fence carries is directly related to the voltage it produces. Voltage is determined by how much electrical pressure is applied to the fence. The more voltage, the more likely an animal is to be shocked.

Electric fence poly tape typically produces less voltage than wire, but it also has less resistance. The poly tape and temporary fencing solutions effectively carry a lower electric charge than permanent fencing options such as a high tensile wire.

Wire fences require materials with low resistance values. Steel wire and long distances aluminium have less resistance. Typically, aluminium has superior conducting capabilities. The two materials are ideal for constructing perimeter fences. Steel wire and aluminium are equally good for a permanent fence line, but not necessary if you are installing a dog fence.

Some things you should consider when choosing a voltage for your electric fence are below.

  • The type of animal you are containing. For instance, a thinner-width poly wire is sufficient to control slow animals.

  • Size of the animal. Larger animals that tend to rub against surfaces may necessitate erecting a high tensile wire fence.

  • The terrain and vegetation around your fence. White tape is designed for backgrounds dominated by green vegetation.

  • How often you will be checking the fence.

  • The climate in your area. When putting up wire fences in snow, choose a brown or green tape.

  • When in doubt, choose a higher voltage than you think you need. You can always lower the voltage if necessary, but you cannot increase it.

How many electric fence chargers do I need?

An electric fence charger is rated for the amount of current (measured in joules or watts) that it can put out and no more. If you run a larger wire size than your charger is set for, you will not get a stronger charge running through a smaller wire. Remember, this means that an energiser capable of putting 10 joules of power into a 1000-joule fence is just as effective on a 100-joule fence if sized appropriately. It does not matter how much space the animal has been given to avoid the shock on either type of fence as its size relative to the voltage determines whether it gets shocked.

Will an electric fence harm an animal?

No. The shock delivered by an electric fence is no more harmful to an animal than a light static shock, like what you might get after walking on the carpet with socks on and touching someone. It does not cause pain or physical damage. A good alternative to an electric fence is ring lock fencing.

There are three possible shock effects electric fencing offers on animals, listed below.

Averse behaviour

Averse behaviour is when an animal stays away from the fence because it has received a shock in the past. As long as the animals do not cross into the area where they have received shocks, this is harmless.

Learned helplessness

Learnt helplessness occurs when animals receive shocks but do not know how to avoid them. This can be dangerous if they cannot figure out how to cross the fence without getting shocked and end up stuck on one side.

Learned safety

Learned safety is when animals get shocked but learn that it is not dangerous and eventually ignore the shocks. This is the desired outcome of electric fencing. It is important to note that not all animals will react in the same way to electric fencing. Some may never learn to be safe around it, while others may quickly figure out how to avoid getting shocked.

Is electric wire or tape better?

The decision to use an electric wire or tape depends on the purpose of the wire fence and the type of animals in question. High tensile wire fencing is long-lasting, low maintenance, hard-wearing, and with superior conducting capabilities. However, high tensile and steel wire fencing is suitable for slow animals. It is not visible to animals. Thus, they can unconsciously run into the wire and suffer serious injury. Fast moving animals are best contained using electric poly wire fencing. Electric poly wire fencing is in three options; poly rope, poly wire and poly tape. The electric poly tape has enhanced visibility and is a cost-effective method for horse fencing. Electric wire can carry more power than electric tape, but it also has higher resistance. This means that you will need larger wires to get the same voltage output as you would from smaller wires or tape. More importantly, animals are less likely to test the fence when confined by tape because they can't rub against it as they could with wire. Plus, the tape is much easier to handle and install correctly. For these reasons, the tape tends to cost less. Poly tapes are sold in varying widths, with the wider tape costing more than, the thinner width versions. Electric tape is also easier to handle, install, and repair than wire. It is not nearly as heavy or bulky, so animals are less likely to break it by rubbing against it or chewing on it. The tapes are available with high visibility for use as a deer barrier that won't spook them as wires will. The electric poly tape is has a larger width than the poly rope and poly wire. The electric rope is also wider than the poly wire because of the stainless steel woven material added to it. The wide the poly tape more highly visible it is but the more likely it can suffer wind damage. In weather conditions experiencing strong winds, a poly wire or poly rope is more suitable. Their shallower diameter enables them to avoid wind damage.

Can you tie electric fence tape together?

Electric tape is not designed to be connected together. If you need a long fence, you will need to use multiple tapes and splice them together with special connectors. This gives it the same voltage as running one tape or wire all the way around. However, it makes the system harder to install and repair. The decision as to whether or not you need a charger is based on how long of a fence you want and the type of animals that will be contained within it. For lower joule fencing, solar chargers may work just fine, but if you have higher voltage requirements, they will not provide enough power. For smaller farms and backyards with only a few animals, an energizer capable of putting out about 3 joules per meter is usually all that is necessary. The best option for this type of application would be either a low-cost battery-powered fence charger.

Can I use wire rope for an electric fence?

Wire rope is the wrong type of material for electric fencing. While it might be fine to have around the farm, you should never use wire rope as your electrical conductor. It is not designed for this purpose, so you will increase the risk of an animal coming into contact with a live wire. Wire rope can also snap free from its moorings without any warning. The last thing you want to have happened is having your animals escape because your fence was defective or damaged due to using poor-quality materials.

For electric fencing, you should only use either aluminium or copper conductors. Copper works better but costs significantly more than aluminium does. Aluminium wire is usually grouped into three different categories: high-tensile (Type 1), standard (Type 2), and utility (Type 3). The higher the number, the thicker the wire will be. An important thing to remember is that you can't mix types of aluminium together. If you have a standard-gauge wire and want to increase the strength, you need to go to a higher-tensile wire. It might be inefficient if you are looking for rural fencing.

What are poly wire and poly tape used for in electric fences?

Polytape and poly wire are the best choices for electric perimeter fencing because they have a high number of conductors per strand. In fact, some types can have up to 21 strands of wire or tape in one cable. The high number of conductors coupled with being able to connect several cables together makes it easier to create very strong perimeter fences. These two wires are also suitable to be used as temporary fencing solutions. Depending on how many wires or tapes you use, poly wire and poly tapes can be used for either low-joule (under 30 joules per meter) or medium (30-60 joules per meter) powered fencing. If you need higher voltage, you will need additional sets of cables spliced together with connectors designed specifically for that purpose. Electric poly rope fencing products are sold in different colours to make them highly visible. White tape is recommended in a green vegetation background or a brown landscape. On the other hand, a brown or green tape is highly visible against a snow background that is generally white.