About Zenko Yoga Maroochydore
Zenko yoga was founded by Lauren Verona in 2014 after selling her 2 yoga studios, Kozen in Melbourne and moving with her family to the Sunshine Coast for a lifestyle change. Zen means the 'contemplative state’ and Ko is the Japanese word for child. The aim of yoga, and Zenko is to bring the mind back to a child like state, free of anxiety and concern. The name Zenko, was created, as most of Lauren's ideas were, through meditation. Her original studios were called 'Kozen' and the terms were reversed when opening up the 3rd and 4th studio in Queensland. Zenko Yoga opened its doors with ten classes per week and have more than quadrupled with 4 studios across the Sunshine Coast (and perhaps more to come) offering over 20 classes each per week. Zenko Yoga is often referred to by it's members as a healing sanctuary and the minute you step foot in the door, you discover that for yourself. We support local businesses and schools, hold community events, exhibit at lifestyle expos, support charities, host workshops and invite guests to share our space. We offer a range of therapies in house for clients to complement their practice and growth as they enter the yoga journey. We hold retreats in house and internationally as an opportunity for our community and beyond to practice yoga in ways that will change their life forever.
Yoga Classes
Meditation Classes
Movement & Fitness Classes
Strength & Pilates Classes
Zenko Bali Retreat Program
Advanced Asana Practice
Zenko Corporate Wellness Program
Zenko Private Events
Studio Hire
Zenko Online Yoga Classes
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Zenko Yoga Maroochydore